Writing Coach
Let me help you through your writing journey!
Form a Writing Habit
Brainstorm Through Writers Block
Organize and structure your ideas
Collaboration and Encouragement
Learn the craft, style and process
Clear, direct, and honest feedback
Custom Publishing Navigation
Book A FREE 30-Minute Consultation Today!
(908) 425-6799
“If there is a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”
Writing a book can be a daunting task. Even experienced writers can face doubt, distraction, writers block and countless other struggles. Sometimes writers simply need a second pair of eyes to provide clear direction and honest feedback on structure, plot, prose and characters. Other times, writers find themselves bogged down by the day to day effort of actualizing their ideas into writing. Hiring a writing coach can help reset your writing habit, provide critical feedback on structure, prose and plot and help you reach a finished book you are proud to publish!
Open up any modern book and you will find a lengthy acknowledgement section, sometimes multiple pages in length, where the writer profusely thanks all of the people that contributed, guided, nudged and critiqued the writer along the way to a finished product. Most published authors have entire teams of people that help with research, editing, critiquing and feedback. Few people write in complete isolation, and when they do, they often find that the finished book isn’t what people want to read.
Working with a one on one writing coach creates a collaborative working relationship that provides accountability and structure to what can feel like a very lonely and nebulous endeavor. With a writing coach, writing can be fun, engaging and successful!
The Philosophy
I believe in the importance of the very personal relationship between writing coach and author. The author’s voice and vision is an integral part of the writing process. That is why I customize my services to the needs of each author I work with. My job is to facilitate your writing needs and bring you success in the publishing world. To that end, my services are always confidential and the author retains all rights to their story. My passion is writing, and I want to share that passion to fulfill the needs of your project.
Your writing coach should:
Respect you and your ideas
Work closely with you to determine your unique needs
Have your best interest at heart
Build an accountability plan
Be trustworthy and professional
Understand best practices for publishing
The Process
Working with me as a one on one writing coach is custom built to meet your individual needs. I work with writers from the very beginning of the brainstorming process all the way through to publishing. We will build a coaching plan to meet you wherever you are in the writing process with whatever writing help you most need.
The process can include:
Feedback and critique to writing structure, plot, prose, characters and ideas
Help developing time management and writing habits
Brainstorming collaboration
Organizational developments
Teaching you the best writing techniques
Final editing
Writing Coaching is rarely a one time deal. Most clients benefit from a long term relationship while in the process of writing. I suggest clients commit to at least three months of coaching. This allows for a consistent schedule of phone calls and written materials. I have designed two basic coaching packages with a discounted hourly rate. Custom plans are available. Payment is due upfront at the beginning of the each month.
If you think you might need more than coaching, please visit my ghostwriting page HERE
Package 1:
Eight—twice weekly—60-minute phone sessions a month
Up to eight hours of manuscript reading, critiquing, editing and email exchanges per month
Starts at $4,000 per month
Package 2:
Four—once weekly—60 minute sessions a month
Up to four hours of reading, critiquing, editing and email exchanges per month
Start at $2,000 per month
Custom plan available at $250 per hour.
Why Me?
My services are unique in that I provide the individualized time, attention and expertise your writing deserves. I work closely with clients to realize their potential and ensure a professional, commercially viable manuscript ready for publication. Choosing a ghostwriter that can capture your vision and voice is a very important and personal choice, make sure you are choosing someone you trust.
When coaching I pull from my extensive experience in ghostwriting, teaching and writing best selling fiction to provide comprehensive support and guidance. I have a bachelors degree in English literature, writing and education. I also have my masters degree in library and information sciences which gives me a solid foundation in literature, writing, researching and education.
Learn more about me HERE!