“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it”
Health Introduction
I am laughing to myself as I sit here and begin to write this book. Laughing because the thought of me as a writer is actually hilarious. I am the girl who failed her college prep paper on Edith Wharton senior year of high school. I left it till the last minute and stayed up all night doing it. It was bad. I remember like it was yesterday, standing in the hallway crying. My best friend will never let me live that one down. Regardless of my writing skills, or lack thereof, I felt an increasing excitement for writing this book. The truths that I have turned into daily habits in my life are universal and empowering in the face of an overabundance of misunderstood information. Every day, I watch people make new goals of getting thin or "healthy". I don't think they know what that really means. They eagerly latch onto the first fad that makes empty promises of easy weight loss. People hit the gyms and studios for the first time in a year and vow to actually make a change and stick to it this time. The local bookstore dedicates tables and shelves to endless new diet revolutions hoping to pique the interest of the desperate masses. Titles scream out their promises to drop the pounds in 10 days, fix that belly bulge with no effort, and no carb your way to a size 2.
Sometimes it bums me out when I feel like I can't be honest with people. It's really my own insecurities. I am afraid I will come across as insensitive or uncaring when in fact the opposite is true especially when it comes to health. I named the book Said With Love: Truths for Lasting Health and Happiness because I want you to know these are the truths I have learned. Please know that as I say these truths, I don't mean to offend in anyway. While you may have heard otherwise though the years, science has come to a consensus on the truths of a healthy body. I learned long ago never to engage someone who thinks milk is healthy for them or the sun is bad for you. These people just don't know and they don't know that they don't know (see? I'm so sorry- said with love). I have learned that they call it body chemistry for a reason. It's science. Our bodies all react a certain way when presented with certain elements.
I am writing this book to give voice to countless individuals who want to get healthy, but whose health is not being fully addressed by the current selection of fad diets, gimmicks and singularly focused weight loss books.
So what's missing from the conversation a health? So what’s missing from the good conversation about true health? It’s great that there is a lot of talk about it these days. But if all its produces are buzzwords like organic and all natural and no carbs, we are really missing the larger part of the story. To focus only on the size of your waist or the number on the scale, is to neglect a large part of your self and doom yourself to failure, unhappiness and general malaise ~(Said with love). We are neglecting to look at the big picture, which needs to focus on your whole body, mind and spirit.
I'm not perfect. Lets acknowledge that right away. I am the first one to enjoy too many Racer fives my favorite, IPA beer, or indulge in nachos from my favorite restaurant. I do love to have fun! Life is not supposed to be all or nothing. A healthy lifestyle is my passion and informs all of my daily choices. With my truths of health, I can make informed decisions even if that decision is to let lose for a day or two.
My life is an amazing journey-not was-not going to be-IS. I have come to love my life for exactly what it is without the baggage of expectation or self-doubt. My goal is to share my positivity and love of a healthy and happy life with all of my readers through trusted and reliable fact based information that I have learned through my 20 years of study. The truths that I share throughout this book are not just my opinion. Instead they are grounded in research, experience and knowledge from experts that I have gathered and developed into a well-rounded life style. This book goes beyond a simple health program to give you a life style that incorporates the overwhelming amount of information that is available into one place.
There are changes you can make to your lifestyle right now that will impact your health and weight but also your happiness, energy level and outlook. To me this is the most important thing. I want to be happy! Our bodies are expertly built machines that were not designed to take the abuse of processed food, get thin quick diets, or the physical and emotional stress of 21st century life. Powerful marketing campaigns have created a commonly held belief that if you could just lose the last few pounds or just fit into your skinny jeans again your whole life would somehow fall into place. We put so much emphasis on the pieces of our life that we begin to ignore the whole. Our mental health, spiritual well being and physical bodies all act as one unit. If we foster this connection through healthy and mindful choices, our potential becomes limitless.
My goal for this book is to help move you away from quick; partial fixes in order to take control of your life, your health and your happiness. By addressing all of the component parts that affect your health and emotional well being, you will begin to reach a new level in your personal journey. By focusing your goal on health and happiness, the weight you are carrying will naturally come off.
This two-part book focuses on getting your mind and body into amazing shape. By making simple changes to your routine you will finally be able to relieve stress, have more energy, smile more, and lose that weight. You will find you have more strength and patients to face life's challenges. I take you through the mental healing necessary to create long-term health habits.
This book reflects the culmination of my own struggles, successes and learning through my experiences and experiments in health, happiness and spirituality. The Journey you are about to take with this book is one I am intimately familiar with. I am now at a point in which I can value each very different stage of my life and accept with compassion and gratitude the unique journey that has brought me to my own truth.
I learned the power of positivity and spiritual strength early on as a teenager from my parents. My dad especially encouraged me to read self-help books on the power of positive thinking. Which I consumed with a healthy appetite. He had me reading Zig Ziglar, Norman Vincent Peale and Bob Proctor in high school. If you know that world, these are the big wigs. These are the guys who have studied, have taught and have mastered living the truths of what a positive attitude and a grateful mindset can achieve in life. These truths are also found in the Bible. I am infinitely blessed for these lessons because they ingrained in me the truth that I am in control of my own fate and choices. We are hardwired to be happy. You are in control of where you life goes. This book will guide you to unlocking the power of your mind.